Something about me...
Many times I think I would have liked to be a Knight Errant, or maybe a Hermit, perhaps with the high-sounding Spanish-like name of Arrigo Silva... but then I regret it, because I could not play the piano and use SketchUp to build the beloved 3D models!
The official blog of SketchUp shows my profile with flattering comments on my approach to 3D modeling and on my models: it was an honor to be among the first modelers reported as featured by this significant blog!

The prestigious magazine online reported 2 of my models among the 10 most interesting models of the year (see 10 Amazing Google SketchUp Buildings): this is the model of the beautiful Orthodox "Spilled Blood" Cathedral in St. Petersburg and of the futuristic swivel tower designed by architect David Fisher set to become one of the "icons" of Dubai.
 The most complete book in Italian on SketchUp shows, in the "Italian modellers and online resources", my in depth profile with pictures of my models and an interview in which I talk about my approach to 3D modeling and the criteria that have inspired me and my working methods.
My real name is Enrico Dalbosco, while Arrigo Silva is my nickname in the world of 3D modeling, a high-sounding name vaguely Spanish-like, hanged me for fun from my sister Lucia: Arrigo is similar to Enrico where Silva is the Latin term for "bosco". In short, a name appropriate to an Ancient Errant Knight, but with a hint of irony...
I was born in '46 in the mountains, in Rovereto (Trento), but my second home is Padua, an ancient medieval town nestled in the beautiful misty solar flat Po Valley. In Padua I came to college, in Padua I met and married Luciana, in Padua our son was born, and near Padua is our home and the garden that Luciana cultivate with passion.
Degree in Electronic Engineering in 1964, I worked with passion in the field of information management until 2005 and even today I like to create websites (preferably with artistic theme and content) for family and friends.
I like all the arts, particularly music, painting, architecture and photography. I play the piano as a willing and enthusiastic amateur and face with courage and boldness the scores of Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Schubert, Debussy... In painting I feel an instrinctive attraction for the Macchiaioli and the Impressionists - every now and then I jot down some drawing or some watercolor. As for the architecture, I like the churches and ancient villas created by great architects but also by master builders who knew love and recreate the beauty and harmony of proportions - since few years I produce their 3D virtual models, trying to capture the "genius loci" - if I did it you can judge by visiting my blog.
To watch above countries, castles, cities, valleys... I've always liked, since as a child I spent with my family summer holidays in Serrada di Folgaria, a small village in Trentino crouching in the mountains at about 1200 meters high. One of our favorite spots was the viewpoint of the panoramic viewpoint "La Cógola" under which suddenly opened a sheer drop of 600 meters, and down at the bottom - but you could almost touch it! - the small country of Terragnolo with its huts gathered around the church, or scattered in the valley along the white threads of dirt roads ... What a thrill!
Many years later, during the summer holidays with Luciana and Caesar, other landscapes full of suggestion: the countries of Puglia perched on the cliffs of the Gargano (Peschici, Vieste), or those on the coast of Tuscany and Liguria (Porto Santo Stefano, l'isola del Giglio, the castle of Lerici), and with many dogs in tow the Euganean Hills (I colli euganei) just four steps from Padua: churches, monasteries, hermitages, dirt roads, houses, silence...

left and center: view from sky and my ceramic model of the Sabbionara's Castle at Avio (Trento) right: My 3D model of Rotonda by Palladio (Vicenza) visible on Google Earth
The ceramic has given me great satisfaction, both in the design phase and in modeling and painting: it is very rewarding handle the clay, carve and engrave it, and shape it, control and contain it to describe the smallest details, prevent it from cracking during the first cooking, the one that allows us to obtain the so-called bisque, and then again paint it with powder colors and dunk it in the glaze which gives it a milky appearance, and finally commit it to the purifying fire of the oven that does the last metamorphosis and return it colored and sparkling!
The real passion for 3D models has matured in 2007 when, browsing the internet, I accidentally discovered the Google Earth application - and I could watch, from the sky, countryside roads houses of Rovereto (my hometown), Padova (my adopted city) and... widening increasingly... the whole world - then I discovered that on this simulated world were sprouting here and there, in the city in the countryside on the hills, buildings, monuments, cathedrals... It was a real thrill for me, comparable to that which I experienced in the mountains of my childhood.
From the emotion to the curiosity: who had created those model of houses cathedrals monuments "intangible" but so... "real"? how could they do them? how difficult was it? could I do something like this? So I came to discover SketchUp.
Before then I had never used a 3D tool, besides ... Power Point and simple free programs to create three-dimensional solid, and I thought it was necessary to describe all the points one by one providing perhaps exact measurements... but SketchUp reserved to me pleasant surprises: in addition to being completely free (a great place to start!) it was not a simple "play", it had a very intuitive interface that anticipated my every desire (dividing into two or three a segment, grouping, creating and reusing objects, rotating, resizing) and turned out magically ergonomic - and I was an expert in "software usability" because it was one of my responsibilities in the company where I worked. Then I downloaded the excellent and comprehensive manuals in pdf that I studied well, as if I were preparing for a university exam, I did not want to lose any of its capabilities and features...
My model for Google Earth of this beautiful Romanesque cathedral "weighs" less than a photo!
Model statistics
- total edges: 4,621 - total faces: 1,497 - number of textures: 43 - total weight: 1.1 MBytes*
* much less than a mobile phone photo!
The choice to build the churches was for me, passionate about ancient and modern art, rather than natural: the churches were and are, at various times, one of the highest manifestations of the artistic abilities of humanity, so much so that in carrying out such masterpieces they been engaged the most renowned among architects, sculptors, painters of all time.
 For my first models I chose buildings that were familiar to me, very close to my house, easily to access and photograph: I started with a simple but charming capital then move on to more complex buildings such as a nearby church or the parish church of my town, Sant'Andrea di Campodarsego (Padua).  My first "challenging" model was the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua: due to the complexity of the building I have adopted the method of ancient Roman emperors ( "divide et impera!", "divide in order to control") by breaking down the structure into simpler elements: the façade, transept, steeples, domes, etc.. while for textures I found on the web good documentation that I have integrated with numerous photographs that I have taken in the field from all possible points of view. With regard to the construction of the domes (objects that are particularly interesting and challenging for a 3D modeller!) I have developed a original method that has allowed me to successfully implement the various domes of the Basilica, and that was the basis for the construction for the domes, even more complex, of the largest Eastern Orthodox cathedrals of Moscow and St Petersburg.
One of my "paper bookmarks" showing my 3D models of the famous cathedrals of Salisbury, Padua, Florence, St Peterburg and Moscow
3D modeling has given me great satisfaction: first spurred me to learn more about the sights I wanted to recreate, analyzing and studying not only the architectural features but also the often centuries-old history, and secondly prompted me to seek solutions and expedients to solve technical difficulties (eg the construction of domes "onion" with spiral decorations) and to obtain the texture smoother and more realistic; I also had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, tips and advice with some of the best known modellers in 3dwarehouse gallery; and finally I was rewarded by a "profile" which appeared on the official blog of SkethUp, the positive comments on my models and compliments received for articles published in my blog
My computerized version of old games
 An ancient game, very popular in the 50s, made for putting a strain on the patience of young and old: here the luck had nothing to do, we wanted manual but also strategy and tactics... especially when it came to the "fatal" last line!
As a child I have enjoyed playing with it, and now even I enjoyed creating a computerized version, and while I was there, I did some variation on the theme, using "chessboard" bigger or even smallish and rectangular: it is reborn GAME OF FIFTEEN, but also OF ELEVEN, OF FIVE... and more. You can try them all, in more or less easy version, and you can play for free and maybe establish your "personal best" (at the end of the game you'll know how many moves and how long did it take); you will not win anything, but... attention, if you lose too much time do not come to complain to me!
- let me play THE GAME OF FIFTEEN easy version, expert version
- let me play THE GAME OF ELEVEN easy version, expert version
- let me play THE GAME OF FIVE easy version, expert version
 In 1982 SEBINO put on the market IL TUBOLARIO ("The Tubular"), a valuable tool able to generate with little effort and as grauito million phrases absolutely useless but well constructed: although at that time it felt much, there was always some beginner who could benefit...
Now times have changed, and "Tubulars" have fallen into disuse. A friend of mine found one in the attic IL TUBOLARIO DELLA POLITICA ("The Tubolar of Politics), and so we had to turn the rings... - to entertain you too, I made a computerized version that you can use freely: have fun!
you are reading the phrase No. 4.246.597:
"Il quadro normativo presuppone il riorientamento delle linee di tendenza in atto al di sopra di interessi e di pressioni di parte potenziando e incrementando nel contesto di un sistema integrato una congrua flessibilità delle strutture"
- generate dozen of useless phrases using my computerized version!
- see the complete table that allows to generate 10,000,000 phrases in Italian!
(*) the Authors of Tubolario are Mr. Marco Marchi e Mr. Pierluigi Morosini
My Websites
Below I show you the websites that I designed and built for my family and friends. I think that a good website is like a good portrait, similar as possible to the person portrayed. For this reason I have tried to find, from time to time, solutions, graphics and text customized on each site theme and character.
Models intangible but well... visible on Google Earth!
The 3D models of churches and villas that I re-created for Google Earth are described and illustrated in my blog which is visited daily by tens of modelers around the world.

My passion for 3D models began many years ago when I made the first "tangible"" models in ceramics. Small landscapes, populated by houses churches castles... landscapes in miniature, with hills, mountains, fields molded in white ceramic and painted by hand: my website "Poetic landscapes" ( Paesi e poesie) will allow you to look closely at many of my models and will introduce you to interesting construction details.
To my wife Luciana I dedicated a website where you can read her writings on plants, browse the flowers and the trees in our garden and enjoy her fascinating engravings: her favorite themes are the flowers, which she is able to represent with their particular atmosphere - recently, on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the great Italian poet G. Pascoli (1857-1912) she created a series of etchings inspired by the "Flowers in the poems of Giovanni Pascoli" ( Fiori nelle poesie di Giovanni Pascoli). Treat yourself to a break of poetry visiting the website I dedicated to her poetical creations!
Passionate Alpino (Italian alpine trooper), dynamic professor of drawing and technical applications, journalist, writer, engaged in the civic administration of Rovereto (TN), my Uncle Guido Vettorazzo is also a talented painter who painted watercolors full of charm that you can see in the gallery that I have dedicated to him.
Citizen of Padua thoroughbred, passionate musician, talented oboist and conductor, teacher and International Relations Manager at the Music Conservatory of Padua... These and many other news can be found in the original site that I designed and built for a friend Pierluigi Destro: his wide repertoire, ranging from Pachelbel to Stravinsky to get to world premieres of contemporary composers, the Masterclasses and Concerts he held in worldwide, Contests and Festival which he took part, publications, CDs and video recordings, and finally some Youtube videos that will allow you to appreciate his skills as a Conductor in famous works by Mozart, Frank and Stravinsky.